Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Golden Week end

Mood:Happy but sad that Golden Week is almost over :(
Listening to: 超人不會飛 (Superheroes Can't Fly) by 周杰倫 (Jay Chou)

Hey guysssss

Sorry I've been so bad about blogging this week!! A lot happened, and will post more detailed pics and posts later, but a quick rundown of this really fun week:

Thursday: got into Tokyo, checked out Akihabara
Friday: Disney Sea!
Saturday: Harajuku + Christian's ALC peeps
Sunday: Jun and Hiroshi and Tomoka and Isabelle + Harajuku + Akihabara + Tokyo Tower + yakiniku
Monday: Shibuya + Yakiniku tabenomihoudai
Tuesday: Packed and ate sukiyaki tabenomihoudai with my ALC peeps :D <3