Friday, April 2, 2010

Japan Update #4

Mood: Still tired for some reason....jet lag???
Listening to: People talking in the tiny library

OK...I failed with jetlag again today since I woke up at 6:15 (despite sleeping at 1:30, what?!)

My body seriously needs to get a move on with this whole jetlag business. :(

On the bright side (literally) it's a BEAUTIFUL day in Kyoto! It's finally not cloudy/rainy for the first time I'm here :). Look at the view from my hotel window!

sorry for the lines. they're on the window :(


OMG We're about to meet our host families!!!


I got to meet my host family! Well, only my host mom came to pick me up, but I just met the dad now too (he just returned him). My trek to school is going to be a pain, but I get to see pretty sights and rivers along the way.

I can see this as I'm walking home!

I have to walk ten minutes from the home to the station, then ride two trains (about 20-30 minutes I think?) and then walk another 15-20 minutes to the school. Carrying my backpack that will have at least two textbooks, my purse, and probably my camera as well…my back will hurt for sure :(. Oh well…I’ll get exercise! :D

When we got back to the house, my host mom immediately took me out to see the sakura blossoms which was AWESOME. It was at an army training ground apparently…

Host mom!

This juxtaposition is so weird...

I also got to see a Japanese su-pa (supermarket). It was pretty organized and had lots of yummy looking food!


When we got back I even helped my host mom cook a little bit. By cook I mean wash a daikon, peel it, and then cut it. I also cut the octopus she bought.

I didn’t give my omiyage yet because my host dad and sister hadn’t come back yet. After I saw they both had come back (my host dad helps coach middle school baseball and then my host sister is really active—she swims and does track and field).

I was at first worried my host sister might not like the teddy since she seems a lot like a tomboy, but fortunately I think she really liked the bear (as did my host dad). My host dad kept playing with the bear for a bit and then my host sister kept worrying about it falling over (it didn’t sit up well on its own). I was touched by their consideration. I think my host dad didn’t like the mug I gave him though, since he just put it back in the box :(. My host mom was really good about seeming to like it, though! I’m not sure whether she actually liked it, but she said that red mugs (inside and out red) are rare and she was very happy to have one (she’s hosted before, and I saw that she had a white version of the mug I gave her >.<). Whoops…maybe should’ve given shirts instead >.<. I think the bear at least was a success…

Afterward, we had a lot of good food for dinner :). I didn’t realize earlier, but the octopus I cut we were basically eating raw, haha. It was really delicious.

Tried to teach my host sister Rubik’s cube. Didn’t really get past even the first step but she had to sleep early because she’s swimming twice tomorrow and then running. She gave my bunny two pats on the head though—so I think that means she must like fluffy things.

PS, SCTI gave us emergency bags in case of earthquakes. I took a picture of the stuff inside :P

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