Saturday, April 24, 2010

still no super long update ;__;

Listening to: Love So Sweet by 嵐 (Arashi)

Wahhh sorry guys, still no super long update. I wanted to get to blogging tonight but I feel like I might be getting I should sleep early. I'm in so much trouble since I have a ton of homework left (and we have a midterm next week too) but I'm going to Osaka tomorrow because I promised a friend I'd go...should've left Sunday open for homework instead, with all these SCTI trips and programs they had for us this weekend.

I also played flute at this concert today, but it was really small and informal. I only played for maybe 10-15 minutes but then these singers named Flight were after me, and they took like 40 minutes to finish ;__;. They were cool but I was so tired...if they could've gotten done faster that would've been nice >.<...also my eardrum was blown out because I was too close to the speakers and they sang super loudly into the microphones. I wanted to move, but felt it would've been awkward since I was on the front row. :(

PS I also got to meet the student my host family hosted 4 years ago! She's working for Amazon and came to Osaka for work :D

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