Thursday, April 15, 2010

My schedule

Mood: sad that I cannot access my animated gif mood icons right now (otherwise happy :D)
Listening to: 声 (Koe - Voice) by 嵐 (Arashi)

(sorry for any weird punctuation. Japanese keyboards are really different from American ones and sometimes I can't find the corresponding keys for things...)

I meant to put this up for awhile but kept not having time with limited internet access. This is my school schedule:

10:45 - 12:15 Japanese
1:15-2:45 General Meeting
3-6:15 Political Economy of Japan

10:45 - 12:15 Japanese

10:45 - 12:15 Japanese
1:15-4:30 Anthropology / Japanese Popular Culture

10:45 - 12:15 Japanese


While I have a light school schedule, Mondays are pretty rough and the commute is about 2 hours roundtrip each day to and from school, and for most of it I stand/walk since the trains tend to be pretty crowded. Good exercise though!

My host family is extremely nice and they actually took time to try to set up wireless for me. I'm still borrowing their computer for this, but I might be able to have wireless within the next few days and then can upload pictures and my past blog entires I have on a Word document :)

I love being in Japan! Except that it's cold and rainy right now...I can't wait till it gets warmer :)

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